Privacy policy

About us Description

Personal information used by the apartment owner

When registering, requesting, or booking a holiday home through this site, personal information such as name, phone number and email address will be stored in our database as the owner must provide important information such as booking confirmation, payment reminders and others related to booking information.

When you visit or browse this site, certain information, such as your IP address, which browser is used, and information about your computer's operating system, version of the application, language settings, and pages displayed to users may be collected.

Protection of personal data

The owner of the apartment uses strict security measures to protect personal information and prevent third parties from disclosing it without user consent. For this purpose, storage devices are stored in a secure facility with limited physical access - and firewalls and other measures are used to restrict electronic access. Access to personally identifiable information is only available to the agency's internal staff who request the information to do a specific job.

The owner of the apartment will keep the user's information secure, so we may need to cooperate with our security checks before any information is discovered. The information will be kept reasonably or for as long as required by law.

Please contact us


  Apartment Palcec
  Klaićeva 14B, Zagreb 10000